eRescue Houston received a plea from a fellow dog Rescuer regarding a found cat family dumped at a park in a wire kennel.
Full as we are, we could not turn our back on this little family of 6. Thankfully one of our Volunteers stepped up to foster
them. Mom and babies are very sweet. Momma has been doing a great job taking care of her babies and now we will take care
of them all. In time all will be spayed/neutered and put up for adoption. Hopefully we can get better pictures later.
Help for Adopters:
information in articles and videos to help new and current adopters of our rescues. With do's and don'ts, how to's and ideas on the care
of your pets.
Veterinary Clincs & Friends of e-Rescue:
These include a list of Veterinary Clincs where we have treated and cared for our rescues, with most located in and around the Houston area.